Owning a house costs money, particularly if you have an older home. A burst pipe can cause serious damage to your possessions, your home structure and your health, unless you deal with the mess promptly and properly.
When a pipe bursts in your home, follow these simple steps:
1. Stop the Flow
The first thing you need to do when there's a burst pipe, is to stop the water. You can turn off the main supply, even if you don't know where the leak is located. Simply find the stop tap and turn it right off.
Expert Tip: Instead of waiting for all the water to drain from the rupture, save yourself the damage by running all the faucets and flushing the toilets.
2. Shut Off the Water Heater
Running the water heater when there's no water supply, can cause it to burn out. Turn it off as soon as possible.
3. Locate the Rupture
Once you have the flow under control, it is a good time to find the broken pipe. A major pipe will obviously require more time, effort and additional connections to repair than a small single pipe under the kitchen sink.
4. Repair the Ruptured Pipe
In most cases, repairing a ruptured pipe is a straightforward process, however, the mending material will affect the cost and the durability of the fix.
Depending on the size of the rupture, you might be able to patch it to prevent further damage. Chemical bonding agents or commercial tape can provide a temporary solution, but is prone to wear and tear in the long term.
You could also use a piece of garden hose to patch a small crack, holding it in place over the area using hose clamps.
For a larger break, you can cut away the broken portion of the pipe using a hacksaw. Replace the missing piece using sealant and pipe spacers, taking care not to tighten it too much.
5. Call the Pros to Dry Floors, Walls and Ceilings
Standing water, or water that has penetrated into your ceilings, walls and floors can cause major health risks, not to mention damage to your property. Opening the windows and applying fans will dry the surface, but it will do nothing to dry the soaked in wetness. Soaked areas are the perfect invitation for mildew and mold, which can cause severe health issues for your family.
Additionally, there's the risk of electrical shock, if water seeps into open wires that are hidden from sight. For that reason, it is imperative to shut off electrical power to that part of the house as a precaution until the experts pronounce your home completely dry.
Once the ruptured pipe has been repaired, the floors, walls and ceilings have been dried, and you have restored the home to its original state, there are 4 simple steps to follow:
1. Run the cold water
2. Run the cold water
3. Flush the toilets
4. Commence normal usage!
It's important to use the right tools and materials to repair ruptured pipes. If you don't have the tools, training or know-how, rather call Anta Plumbing. We're standing by to help you.